Other presentations on EAT:
Europe’s Whistleblower Directive: Building an international consensus around public interest disclosure, RightsCon Tunis (13 June 2019)
Secure tool for Whistleblowers – GlobaLeaks, Chránené oznamovanie protiprávneho konania na pracovisku (24 September 2019)
Expanding Anonymous Tipping: Meet the Experts. How does whistleblowing score across the EU? Impact Hub Athens (6 February 2020)
Journalist Roundtable. Technology for Truth: Helping whistleblowers fight corruption, Union of Cyprus Journalists (11 February 2020)
La protección de informantes, alertadores o denunciantes no admite demora, Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (13 February 2020)
How will Cyprus protect whistleblowers? From new laws to secure, anonymous digital dropboxes, Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (20 February 2020)
Whistleblowing in the eyes of the Czech public, Workplace Whistleblower Protection in the V4 Countries, France and Slovenia – in Search of an Effective Model of Protection (25 September 2020)
Dropbox workshop for justice professionals, CJI webinar (16 October 2020)
Protection of Whistleblowers in Practice, Charles University Faulty of Law (30 October 2020)
Whistleblowing 2020: focus su soluzioni tecnologiche, sanzioni e privacy, online seminar (16 November 2020)
Transpunerea Directivei UE și lansarea Rețelei CivicAIP, syene.ro (19 November 2020) (video)
Online briefing for journalists, Oziveni (19 November 2020)
Building Secure Whistleblowing Systems for Anticorruption with GlobaLeaks Software, 19th International Anti-Corruption Conference (5 December 2020)
MKKP Summer meeting (9 August 2020)
Why are organisations and sources still not using secure channels? A project on secure dropboxes by nine NGOs has answers, RightsCon 2021 (8 June 2021)