Protagon (26 December 2019) – Whistleblowing: the opportunity for us all to say NO to corruption (ΓΝΏΜΕΣ Whistleblowing: Η ευκαιρία να πούμε όλοι ΟΧΙ στη διαφθορά Πηγή)
Zougla (30 January 2020) – An Instruction for the protection of those who complain about public and employer arbitrariness is coming (Έρχεται Οδηγία προστασίας όσων καταγγέλλουν τη δημόσια και εργοδοτική αυθαιρεσία!)
TVXS (6 February 2020) – Whistleblowing event in countries of the European Union (Εκδήλωση για το whistleblowing στις χώρες της Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωσης)
24h Cyprus (14 February 2020) – Protect witnesses in the Public Interest (Να προστατεύσουμε τους μάρτυρες δημοσίου συμφέροντος)
Cyprus News Digest (14 February 2020) – How safe are journalists and their sources from interference, threats and even violence? Moves are afoot to use ‘technology for truth’ to help whistle-blowers fight corruption
Diario Judica (13 February 2020) – The urgency of advancing a whistleblower protection law for Spain (La urgencia de avanzar en una ley de protección de alertadores para España) (14 February 2020) – The urgency of advancing a whistleblower protection law for Spain (La urgencia de avanzar en una ley de protección de alertadores para España)
Hina (27 February 2020) – Most ministries, big cities and companies are not interested in whistleblower reporting software (Većina ministarstava, veliki gradovi i tvrtke nezainteresirani za softver za prijave “zviždača”)
Glas Istre (27 February 2020) – Most ministries, big cities and companies are not interested in whistleblower reporting software (Većina ministarstava, veliki gradovi i tvrtke nezainteresirani za softver za prijave “zviždača”)
Bulgarian National Radio (15 April 2020) – The Media Development Center offers secure channels for signals of corruption (Центърът за развитие на медиите предлага сигурни канали за сигнали за корупци)
Isole 24 Ore (16 April 2020) – Coronavirus: appeal for the defense of whistleblowers. Censorship not only in China (Coronavirus: appello per la difesa dei whistleblower. Censura non solo in Cina)
infoLibre (19 April 2020) – Protecting whistleblowers, protecting everyone’s health (Proteger a los alertadores, proteger la salud de todos)
Il Fatto Quotidiano (20 April 2020) – Coronavirus, the appeal of 90 organizations to protect whistleblowers. “Censorship risk for those who report within the health system” (Coronavirus, l’appello di 90 organizzazioni a tutela dei whistleblower. “Rischio censura per chi denuncia all’interno del sistema sanitario”)
The National Herald (3 May 2020) – TI-Greece, Blueprint Kick Off Secure Digital Dropbox in Greece
Confilegal (24 May 2020) – It is possible to report anonymously the abuses produced under the pandemic in health, markets and justice (Es posible denunciar anónimamente los abusos producidos bajo la pandemia en sanidad, mercados y justicia)
El Diario (16 June 2020) – Opportunity knocks, will Spain respond? (La oportunidad llama a la puerta, ¿responderá España?)
Ex-Berliner (11 August 2020) – “This is the story of the common person fighting a larger system” (14 August 2020) – The new law protects whistleblowers only minimally. They will get lost in the clutter of paragraphs, the associations warn (Nový zákon whistleblowery ochrání jen minimálně. Ve změti paragrafů se ztratí, varují spolky)
SE12 (16 August 2020) – Who are the whistleblowers? (¿Quienes son los whistleblowers?) (24 August 2020) – Reports of corrupt practices could be dealt with by the Ombudsman (Oznámeními o korupčním jednání by se mohl zabývat ombudsman. ‚Jsem k tomu skeptický,‘ reaguje Křeček) (5 October 2020) – MediaSind is jumping on the bandwagon, launches a platform for public alerts (MediaSind sare în ajutorul oamenilor din presă. Lansează o platformă pentru avertizorii publici)
Publicația BURSA (5 October 2020) – FAIR-MediaSind and CJI launch GlobaLeaks, the first platform of cultural and media public warnings (FAIR-MediaSind şi CJI lansează GlobaLeaks, prima platformă a avertizorilor publici din cultură şi mass-media)
Agenția Națională de Presă AGERPRES (5 October 2020) – FAIR-MediaSind and CJI launch GlobaLeaks, the first platform of cultural and media public warnings (FAIR-MediaSind şi CJI lansează GlobaLeaks, prima platformă a avertizorilor publici din cultură şi mass-media)
Financial Intelligence Romania (5 October 2020) – FAIR-MediaSind and CJI launch GlobaLeaks, the first platform of cultural and media public warnings (FAIR-MediaSind şi CJI lansează GlobaLeaks, prima platformă a avertizorilor publici din cultură şi mass-media)
Publicația Incisiv de Prahova (5 October 2020) – The first platform of public and cultural public warnings (Prima platformă a avertizorilor publici din cultură şi mass-media)
Ziare Live (5 October 2020) – FAIR-MediaSind and CJI launch GlobaLeaks, the first platform of cultural and media public warnings (FAIR-MediaSind şi CJI lansează GlobaLeaks, prima platformă a avertizorilor publici din cultură şi mass-media)
Publicația Știri pe Surse (5 October 2020) – FAIR-MediaSind and CJI launch GlobaLeaks-based culture and mass-media whistleblower platform
Publicația Gazeta de Cluj (14 October 2020) TVR journalists launch I want Respect campaign (Jurnaliștii au lansat Campania #vreau respect în TVR)
Agenția Națională de Presă AGERPRES (19 October 2020) Romanian Television employees join the #VremrespectinTVR Campaign! (Angajaţii din Televiziunea Română se alătură Campaniei #VremrespectinTVR!)
MediaSind TV (27 October 2020) – The propaganda service of the Gradea administration ignores the negative opinion of DSP Cluj in case of broadcasting the World Fitness Championship for juniors! (Serviciul de propagandă al administrației Gradea ignoră avizul negativ al DSP Cluj în cazul transmiterii Campionatului Mondial de Fitness pentru juniori!)
Starea Presei (12 November 2020) – The Ministry of Finance has uncovered corruption in TV (Ministerul Finanţelor a descoperit fapte de corupţie în TVR)
iRozhlas (20 November 2020) – ‘Good examples are missing.’ Czechs are reluctant to report illegal or unethical behavior (‚Dobré příklady chybí.‘ Češi se zdráhají oznamovat nelegální či neetické jednání, mají obavy o práci)
Efsyn (24 November 2020) – #Speak: alliance for the protection of witnesses in the public interest (#Μιλήστε: συμμαχία για την προστασία μαρτύρων δημοσίου συμφέροντος)
Brussels Morning (1 December 2020) – Protecting whistleblowers in the EU
Documento (4 December 2020) – #Speak: Letter to Mitsotakis for the protection of witnesses of public interest (#Μιλήστε: Επιστολή στον Μητσοτάκη για την προστασία των μαρτύρων δημοσίου συμφέροντος) (20 January 2021) – Protected Channels Receive Corruption Reports from Citizens (Защитени канали приемат сигнали за корупция от граждани)
El Taquigrafo (29 January 2021) – Three out of four Spaniards defend the figure of the “alerter” (Tres de cada cuatro españoles defienden la figura del “alertador”)
Czech and Slovak Leaders (30 January 2021) – Suelette Dreyfus. Whistleblowing is an emerging human right
infoLibre (6 July 2021) – Why do Spaniards stay silent about harassment at work? Spain continues to lag behind in whistleblower protection (¿Por qué los españoles silencian el acoso en el trabajo? España sigue a la cola en protección de alertadores)
rtve (11 July 2021) – Café de las 9: Whistleblowers (Alertadores) with Bruno Galizzi