Nine partner organisations were involved in the EAT Project, working across 11 different EU member states. The make up of the group meant that the Project could draw on a mix of international expertise and deep in-country experience.

The Project focused on those EU member states which scored most poorly on Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index. These EU member states also had low levels of whistleblower protection, as measured by EAT partner Blueprint for Free Speech. These are the countries we think have most to gain from the deployment of anonymous tipping technologies.
Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI)
Transparency International’s CPI ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, according to experts and business people.
The Index uses a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 is highly corrupt and 100 indicates an absence of corruption. Worldwide, more than two thirds of countries scored below 50 on the CPI in 2017. The average score is just 43.
The continued failure of most countries to significantly control corruption contributes to the democratic crisis worldwide. What the data shows us is that, for most countries, there is a long way to go.
Fundación Internacional Baltasar Garzon ( FIBGAR)

Coordinator of the Project, based in Spain.
FIBGAR is based on the pillars of solidarity, respect, the promotion of Human Rights, village development cooperation, mediation and the fight against impunity. With these bases FIBGAR encourages action programs from the areas of education, justice, society, politics and culture to defend and apply Human Rights in defense of victims and their rights to truth, justice and repair and to prosecute corruption and organized crime in all its forms.
The basic tools to promote the activities that constitute the essence of the Foundation, will be research, training and cooperation with other foundations, organizations and academic, social, political and legal entities coupled with direct action in coordination with relevant actors.
Website :
Associazione Hermes

Our mission is to promote and develop in the society the awareness of and the attention to transparency and accountability, be they related to the society-at-large or not. Our goal is to increase the citizens’ involvement in the management of matters of public interest and to boost the active participation of workers and employees to the correct management of corporations and companies they work for.
Website :
Blueprint for Free Speech

Blueprint for Free Speech is non-profit charity that works internationally to promote the right to freedom of expression without undue interference or intrusion. Our research and advocacy strive to defend Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which asserts the right to freedom of opinion and expression for all people.
Website: Kozhasznu Nonprofit Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag

Based in Hungary is a watchdog NGO and online newspaper for investigative journalism to promote transparency, accountability, and freedom of information in Hungary.
Established in 2011, – “atlatszo” means transparent in Hungarian – produces investigative reports, accepts information from whistleblowers, files freedom of information requests, and commences freedom of information lawsuits in cases where its requests are refused.
Website :
Fundatia Centrul Pentru Jurnalism Independent (CPJI)

Based in Romania
The Center for Independent Journalism is a non-profit organization, with a 25 years of experience, which acts as a watchdog of professional and quality journalism, by protecting journalism standards and developing a balanced, honest and responsible media environment.
CIJ is an active promoter of responsible, ethical and professional journalism in Romania and advocates for an informed public, as a prerequisite for any democratic society.
Website :
Transparency International Greece (TI-GR)

Based in Greece
TI Greece was founded in 1996 by a group of high-profile professionals including former politicians, businessmen, scientists, journalists, lawyers, public officers and private employees which decided to make a stance against corruption. TI-Greece calls for transparent and ethical principles to be implemented for good governance and to fight corruption that undermines Greece’s political and financial system. TI-G’s vision is to combat indifference and ignorance towards issues of transparency.
To fulfill its vision TI-G is currently involved to anti-corruption projects such as the Integrity Pact, Integrity Watch and the Expanding Anonymous Tipping Technology Deployment, Operation, and Trustworthiness to Combat Corruption in Eastern and Southern Europe by promoting the adoption of Whistleblowing online platforms to certain public and private entities.
Website :
Fondatsiya Tsentar Za Razvitie Na Mediite (MDC)

Based in Croatia and Bulgaria
Media Development Center, Sofia (MDC) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization founded in 1998. It was established to promote independent media in Bulgaria, and to foster capacity-building of the media by encouraging good practice in journalism, stimulating the professional ethics, institutionalizing the dialogue among the state administration, the media and the NGO sector and and to boost the networking and cross-border cooperation in the region of Southeast Europe.
Website :

Based in Czech Republic
We endeavour to increase the transparency of decision-making processes and financial management at public institutions in the Czech Republic, as well as the personal liability of public officials, and thereby to boost the active participation of citizens. Our main areas of interest include the right to information, public procurement and management of public property. Last but not least, we are involved in spreading anti-corruption know-how and educating and networking anti-corruption and civic activists.
The Good Lobby Italia

Based in Italy
The Good Lobby Italia is the Italian chapter of Brussels-based organisation The Good Lobby active in Europe since 2015. We work in order to make society more democratic, more participative, and fair. Every citizen can make a difference for its community. We aim at influencing major policy decisions, hold our political representatives accountable and share with them new solutions facing society.