We are glad to announce some of the fruits of our work during our establishing a healthy and suitable Cypriot whistleblowing platform. We reach an agreement with EAT Project (Expanding Anonymous Tipping Project), so it will be easier to deepening and widening into our anti-corruption vison.
The agreement is defined by two axes. The technical axis includes their generosity to ensure the hosting infrastructure on behalf of the 3L NPO, which is more than welcome during the early stages of our non-profit organisation.
Our happiness also grounded to the opportunity to exchange know-how and good practices under a pan-European umbrella of charismatic experts in relevant sectors (IT, Government Management, Lawyers, etc.). Such as an essential action should be seen as a continuously evolving project, especially bearing in mind that, whenever a disclosure arises, the ultimate goal shall be the reinstatement of the public trust.
The new 3L Whistleblowing Platform meets the spirit of the EU Directive 2019/1937, and the whole team waiting for the finalising of the Standard ISO 37002 by the end of 2021, as well. We will never underestimate the technical risks and social impact of exposing of the reporting person. We feel even more capable for that, when EAT Project stand firmly by our side.
We want to thank especially Dr Suelette Dreyfus and Mr. Bruno Galizzi for their personal commitment and all their work to breathe life into the joint-venture collaboration.