
Blueprint launches new online tool and report: Getting Whistleblower Protection Right: A Practical Guide to Transposing the EU Directive

As countries across the EU’s 27 member states begin to develop new whistleblower protection laws, Blueprint is pleased to publish our new online tool for evaluating proposed legislation against the Directive’s requirements. The EU Whistleblowing …

Release EU Directive report “Getting Whistleblower Protection Right: A Practical Guide to Transposing the EU Directive”

We are proud to announce the release of our new report “Getting Whistleblower Protection Right: A Practical Guide to Transposing the EU Directive”. Designed to support both civil society organizations as well as state actors …

The Justice Minister promised to speed up discussion on the Anti-Corruption Whistleblower Protection Act

Link to original article. Governmental actions in the state of emergency The newly proposed Anti-Corruption Whistleblower Protection Act should soon enter the interdepartmental round of comments. In response to a recommendation of the Rekonstrukce státu …

Центърът за развитие на медиите предлага сигурни канали за сигнали за корупция

„Законовата защита спрямо хората, които подават сигнали за нарушения и корупция е съществен проблем. България е сред държавите, които нямат такъв закон“. Това подчерта пред БНР Яна Пеловска, управител на Центъра за развитие на медиите. …